Add additional custom field to WooCommerce checkout in wordpress

In our today Woocommerce related post you will get one of the most useful ready made script which you should directly used in your website if you want to implement functionality like track Woocommerce Order as Buyer customer from where hear about you and become your customer.

Look at below screenshot and you get clear idea on which we are talking.


if you ready to add such woocommerce additional features into your online shopping WordPress base shopping portal than just copy below below code and paste in your active theme functions.php


Customer selected custom field value display in Order Detail page with title in our case “Hear About Us” which is set in calling function on action of woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_billing_address.

Advance Note : if you want to make Additional custom field option bind dynamic and it manage from backend by Site Administrator than function ls_custom_checkout_field script little change like below


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