Hide Billing field on Checkout Page Woocommerce
Hide Shipping field on Checkout Page Woocommerce
Reorder Billing fields on Checkout Page Woocommerce
# WooCommerce version 2.6 and below function reorder_wc_billing_fields($fields) { $order = array( "billing_first_name", "billing_last_name", "billing_company", "billing_address_1", "billing_postcode", "billing_city", "billing_email", "billing_phone" ); foreach($order as $field) { $ordered_fields[$field] = $fields["billing"][$field]; } $fields["billing"] = $ordered_fields; return $fields; } add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields','reorder_wc_billing_fields'); ?>
Reorder Shipping fields on Checkout Page Woocommerce
# WooCommerce version 2.6 and below function reorder_wc_shipping_fields($fields) { $order = array( "shipping_first_name", "shipping_last_name", "shipping_company", "shipping_address_1", "shipping_postcode", "shipping_city", "shipping_email", "shipping_phone" ); foreach( $order as $field ) { $ordered_fields[$field] = $fields["shipping"][$field]; } $fields["shipping"] = $ordered_fields; return $fields; } add_filter("woocommerce_checkout_fields", "reorder_wc_shipping_fields"); ?>
By Default Checked Terms and Condition checkbox on Checkout Page Woocommerce
# WooCommerce version 2.6 and below function ls_wc_terms_and_condition( $terms_is_checked ) {return true;} add_filter( 'woocommerce_terms_is_checked', 'ls_wc_terms_and_condition', 10 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_terms_is_checked_default', 'ls_wc_terms_and_condition', 10 );
Customize WooCommerce Shipping Address Fields Order
# add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_formatted_shipping_address' , 'woo_custom_order_formatted_shipping_address' ); function woo_custom_order_formatted_shipping_address() { $address = array( 'first_name' => $this->shipping_first_name, 'last_name' => $this->shipping_last_name, 'company' => $this->shipping_company, 'address_1' => $this->shipping_address_1, 'address_2' => $this->shipping_address_2, 'city' => $this->shipping_city, 'state' => $this->shipping_state, 'postcode' => $this->shipping_postcode, 'country' => $this->shipping_country ); return $address; }
Customize WooCommerce Billing Address Fields Order
# add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_formatted_billing_address' , 'woo_custom_order_formatted_billing_address' ); function woo_custom_order_formatted_billing_address() { $address = array( 'first_name' => $this->billing_first_name, 'last_name' => $this->billing_last_name, 'company' => $this->billing_company, 'address_1' => $this->billing_address_1, 'address_2' => $this->billing_address_2, 'city' => $this->billing_city, 'state' => $this->billing_state, 'postcode' => $this->billing_postcode, 'country' => $this->billing_country ); return $address; }
Remove Shipping Labels on WooCommerce Cart page (e.g. “Flat Rate”)
# add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_shipping_method_full_label', 'ls_remove_shipping_label', 10, 2 ); function ls_remove_shipping_label($label, $method) { $new_label = preg_replace( '/^.+:/', '', $label ); return $new_label; }
On Order Placed Thank you page change “Thank you. Your order has been received” text by own custom text use
# add_filter( 'woocommerce_thankyou_order_received_text', 'lsw_thank_you' ); function lsw_thank_you() { $added_text = '
Thank you very much!
‘; return $added_text ; }